Jono Lancaster’s Remarkable Journey: An Inspiring Story of Resilience and Love

“My parents still don’t want me. But my attitude changed. It’s powerful. I wouldn’t change a thing,” he says.

Zackary Walton, a two-year-old from Australia, is one of Jono’s mentees. He’s faced bullying, but Jono’s his friend.

“When Jono came to Australia, we had to meet him. It made us happy to see Zack with someone like him,” Zackary’s mom said.

In 2015, Jono met Laura Richardson. They fell in love, and she accepted him.

Before Laura, Jono thought he’d adopt if he had kids.

“I’ve always wanted to be a dad. I missed having a father. But any child I have has a 50% chance of having Treacher Collins. Adoption seemed good, but Laura wants our child,” Jono told the BBC.

Sadly, Laura and Jono didn’t have children. After ten years, they split amicably. Jono shared the news on Instagram.

Many sympathized, but Jono said, “Breakups are heartbreaking. There’s no good spin.”

Watch Jono’s story. It’ll stay with you.