How Ginger Tea Battles Clots
- Natural Blood-Thinning: Ginger thins blood like aspirin but without the side effects, halting platelet clumping and clot danger.
- Boosts Circulation: It spurs healthy blood flow, fending off sluggish circulation, a clot culprit.
- Fights Inflammation: Chronic inflammation aids clotting. Ginger’s anti-inflammatory nature soothes blood vessel inflammation for better heart health.
Making Ginger Tea
- Ingredients: 1-inch fresh ginger root (or 1 tsp dried) and 2 cups water. Lemon juice and honey are optional.
- Steps: Peel and slice fresh ginger. Boil water, add ginger, simmer 10-15 min. Strain into cup. Add lemon or honey if you like.
When and How to Drink
Make it part of your daily morn or eve ritual. Steady sipping is key to reaping its health perks.
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