The Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA), Tel Aviv University, and the Weizmann Institute of Science teamed up. They used fancy carbon-14 dating, and got around old problems with wacky carbon levels back then. By using data from ancient European tree rings, they got super accurate dates. This new way of doing things has given us a better look at Jerusalem’s ancient days.
Besides rethinking when Jerusalem’s defenses were built, the research also shows how the city grew and who lived there. Instead of thinking growth was just from outside stuff like refugees after the Assyrian exile, it seems the local Judeans were driving it. This shakes up the old story and moves the expansion timeline back. It shows how things inside the city shaped its look.
Beyond just buildings and growth, the study helps us get why Jerusalem was so important in key times. By matching up structures with the Bible, researchers show how big the city was during David and Solomon’s rule. It fills in gaps in our knowledge of ancient Judean history and Jerusalem’s lasting mark.