So it turns out I’ve been using it the wrong way all this time!

Now, let’s talk about the proper way to do laundry.

Lots of people just dump detergent or powder straight into the washing drum. Bad move. Instead, pop it into the main washing compartment.

Plus, you can use the pre-wash compartment for really dirty clothes. It’s got a preset function that’ll extend the wash time. And the fabric softener compartment? That’s for adding softeners or color fixatives right before the rinse cycle. When using these compartments, make sure you put the detergent in the right order and spot so your clothes get a proper soak and clean.

Last but not least, here’s a small but crucial tip: don’t open the washing machine door while it’s washing. When you’re loading clothes, be careful not to accidentally toss in valuables like your phone or other electronics. But if you do slip up, don’t sweat it. Most washing machines have a tiny emergency button on the bottom. Press it with a coin, then pull a cord to unlock the door and grab your stuff. That way, you won’t lose anything.