Skip outdated gender cues like women’s dresses and men’s ties. They feel exclusive and don’t match today’s gender diversity.
Sure, restroom sign snafus seem small, but they mirror bigger issues around inclusivity and access. For many, especially non-binary or transgender folk, finding a public loo can be a nerve-wracking ordeal.
By making signs clear and inclusive, businesses and institutions say “all are welcome”. Small design tweaks can make spaces comfy and accessible for everyone.
Next time you spot a wonky restroom sign, take a sec to marvel at how something so simple can spark a deep convo. Good restroom signage is about more than function — it’s about respect, access, and making everyone feel at home.
As we stride toward a more inclusive future, let’s make sure our signs guide the way, not leave people lost for 10 minutes. After all, we all deserve to pee in peace, sans the headache of decoding abstract art.