Doctor Reveals 7 Health Issues Hidden in Your Nails

Nail Pitting
Small dents on nails may be related to skin conditions like psoriasis, eczema, or alopecia areata. These conditions usually have other symptoms too. For example, psoriasis has scaly skin, eczema has red, itchy skin, and alopecia areata causes hair loss. Mild pitting might not need treatment, but severe cases may need corticosteroids or vitamin D3 therapy along with treating the skin problem. If you see dents, see a dermatologist.

Dark Streaks on Nails
A dark line running up the nail can be an early sign of melanoma, a serious skin cancer. Not all dark lines are cancer, but it’s important to have a dermatologist check. Subungual melanoma is rare but spreads fast if not treated. If you notice a strange discoloration or a growing dark streak, don’t ignore it.

Terry’s Nails
When most of the nail bed turns white, leaving a small red or pink tip, it’s called Terry’s nails. They can be part of aging, but are more often linked to serious health problems like liver disease, diabetes, or heart disease. There may be other symptoms like jaundice, fatigue, and loss of appetite. If you have Terry’s nails, see a healthcare professional.

Yellow Nails
Yellow nails can be from a fungal infection, but also from thyroid disease, diabetes, psoriasis, or lung disease. Fungal infections make the nail thick, crumbly, or detached. If your nails turn yellow for no clear reason, consult a doctor.

Your nails can give useful health clues. Not all changes are scary, but if something’s persistent or unusual, have a doctor look. Regularly checking your nails can help find hidden health issues early.