The old Amber Rusty is barely recognizable to herself.
In the pics, she looks like she did a few years back. Amber was so large, with rolls of fat and cellulite on her legs.
She couldn’t walk alone. Rudy, a good-looking young man, helped her. He was the only one in the neighborhood who got her.
Rudy never judged Amber’s weight and stuck by her.
But he left when she started gaining. Now Amber looks great.
She dieted, lost weight, stopped weighing seven hundred pounds.
So the relationship ended. Rudy feared other men would come for her as she got beautiful.
Amber realized she didn’t need him.
Rudy’s liking for a dependent “fat wreck” over a real partner angered her.
All this change came from visiting “I Weigh Seven Hundred Pounds” exhibition. Experts made a diet plan and reduced her stomach size.
Amber won’t go back. She’s proud of her journey and how she overcame tough times to be who she is.