One Month Before a Heart Attack, Your Body Will Alert You: Here Are the 6 Symptoms

In the past few years, heart attacks have been super common globally. Sadly, they’re the top cause of death worldwide. They happen because of our stressful lives and bad diets.

You can safeguard your heart health by bettering your lifestyle. Eat healthier and cut stress. Also, it’s wise to spot the signs of heart trouble that often show up a month before a heart attack:

  1. Breathlessness
    When lungs lack oxygen, the heart doesn’t get the blood it needs. So, if you have breathing issues, see a doctor right away.
  2. Cold and flu signs
    Many folks get these before a heart attack.
  3. Chest tightness
    This clearly shows a heart attack might be near. See a doc if you have chest pain.
  4. Weakness
    When arteries narrow, blood flow is blocked. So muscles don’t get what they need and heart failure can happen. If you’re always tired and weak, check with a doctor.
  5. Cold sweats and dizziness
    Bad circulation messes up blood flow to the brain, which is key for the brain to work right.
  6. Sleepiness
    If you’re still worn out and sleepy after resting or sleeping for a while and it lasts days, you might have a blood flow issue to the heart.
    Preventing heart attacks is crucial. Spotting and treating these symptoms fast can really cut the odds of a heart attack.