These days, when buying veggies or fruits, folks usually focus on finding clean, cheap, and in-season ones to cut down on chemical side effects. But aside from the usual picks, there are many types of fruit that are tasty, nutritious, and affordable yet contain toxins that can fuel cancer growth. So, which ones are they? I found the answer in the newspaper and am sharing it again so you can be on guard and pick the right fruits for your family when shopping, ones with fewer risks. Experts suggest staying away from these 5 types of fruit as they can lead to cancer, and some are still commonly eaten by many people.
- Wax apples: They can easily cause blood cancer.
- Rotten fruit: It contains aflatoxin, which is known to cause liver cancer and is recognized by the WHO. A lot of people buy cheap, rotten fruit. While it might be sweet and fragrant and full of nutrients when fresh, eating moldy fruit can lead to digestive problems like nausea, diarrhea, and bloating. Plus, the mold has a harmful liver toxin called aflatoxin that can trigger hepatitis and liver cancer. Aflatoxin can seep deep into the food, not just stay on the surface. So, even if you cut off the bad parts or cook it at 100 degrees Celsius, the poisoning risk remains.