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  • Abnormal Urine
    The kidneys produce urine and rid the body of waste. So, if your pee shows odd signs in color, smell, or how often you go, be cautious as it might signal kidney trouble. Like peeing a lot, getting up at night to pee, blood in the pee, foamy pee, or strange colors like green or red.
  • Sleep Problems
    Folks with kidney issues often struggle to sleep, tossing around and waking up in the night. They might also have sleep apnea, where breathing stops for a few seconds to a minute before starting again. Loud snoring can also be a red flag for kidney health.
  • High Blood Pressure
    In our bodies, the kidneys and the circulatory system are linked. The kidneys’ tiny nephrons filter waste and fluid from the blood. So, kidney problems can lead to high blood pressure.