What’s your gut reaction when you spot an insect in your house? Chances are, you just want to grab something and smash it right away. And it makes sense—some of these bugs carry nasty chemicals, can sting painfully, or even be deadly.
The creepy-crawlies are the worst. Those small, scary multi-legged critters make you want to crush them instantly.
But after reading this, you might think twice before squashing those freaky centipedes you find lurking in your toilet next time.
When centipedes scuttle around your home, it’s tough not to want to stomp on them. They can give you a real fright. But once you learn how helpful they are, you might want to show your gratitude by sparing them.
Turns out, those wriggly, speedy movers have been safeguarding your house from other pesky insects.
Around the house, there’s a particular type of centipede. It’s a bit shorter than its wormy relatives and has about 20 legs coiled around its body.