Do You See Faces In Everyday Objects?

Art shows up in countless forms, and sometimes we come across things that don’t seem like art at all. One really interesting part of this is how we tend to see patterns in random stuff.

This curious thing that happens to all of us is called Pareidolia. Basically, it’s when we spot something recognizable in what first looks strange. But how does it go down?

Ever See Faces in Ordinary Things?
Imagine looking at a tree and instead of just a tree, you see a face. Or you’re checking out a random tile floor and all of a sudden notice a familiar pattern.

This happens to everyone. The shapes and patterns we pick up during Pareidolia moments are just our brains doing their thing. Our minds are wired to recognize familiar things, which can make us see the extraordinary in the everyday.

As kids, lots of us lay on our backs watching clouds float by. We’d turn those clouds into people, cool shapes, or whatever our imaginations cooked up.