Read now to avoid these foods

Regular consumption of these foods can trigger a decline in the body’s calcium levels, which may take a toll on your bones and joints. Let’s take a closer look at each one:

  • Salty Snacks
    Who can resist the allure of treats like pickles, ham, and instant noodles? But here’s the catch – they’re not exactly a boon for your health. These salty delights are loaded with more sodium than your body actually requires. And sodium is the sneaky villain that can lead to calcium depletion in your bones. If you keep munching on salty foods over the long haul, you’re upping your risk of developing osteoporosis. Studies have shown that for every 1000mg of sodium your body metabolizes, a whopping 26mg of calcium gets flushed out along with it. So, loading up on sodium means speeding up your body’s calcium drain. The World Health Organization recommends that adults should cap their salt intake at 5 grams per day.