James McCallum, a toddler from Clearwater, Florida, has a special condition. His parents, Kaitlyn and Tim, nicknamed him “little Ninja Turtle”.
This is because James was born with a rare skin issue that made his back look like a turtle shell. During Kaitlyn’s pregnancy, they didn’t know about it. Multiple ultrasounds showed no sign.
Right after birth, his parents saw strange lumps and scabs on his back. As time passed, it spread, covering about 75% of his back. The “shell” not only looked odd but also affected his daily life. It was uncomfortable and made sleeping hard. His parents were worried, and doctors were unsure.
To understand the situation, James had an MRI. It was to check if the growth on his back was spreading inside, which could be risky. Luckily, it was only on the skin. At two – and – a – half months old, he had surgery to remove the nevus (the growth). The surgery was successful, and his parents were glad there were no internal issues.

While seeking answers and support, Kaitlyn and Tim found a Facebook group for families with similar conditions. Through it, they learned about possible side effects like itchiness during healing.
The McCallums found a specialist who started tissue expansion treatment. This meant injecting saline into James’ back to stretch the skin and replace the affected part.
The process was tough, with weekly injections, but it’s made James more comfortable. His parents hope that by summer, the “shell” on his back will be fully removed. For them, James’ happiness and comfort are key, even if there are scars.