I recently married Jack, who has three grown – up kids, all over 21. When I met him, two years after his wife passed away, he was still deeply grieving.
When he proposed, his children’s disrespect for me only intensified, though they hid it from him. I chose not to tell him, trying to avoid family conflict.
After our wedding, we flew to the Bahamas for our honeymoon. Just two days in, all of them showed up out of the blue.
“Daddy, we missed you so much!” they cooed to Jack, then turned to me with a sneer, “Thought you could get rid of us, huh?!”
While Jack went to fetch drinks, they continued their tirade, “You, a 53 – year – old, still chasing a fairytale? This villa’s too good for you. We’ll take it; you can have the bungalow.”
Suddenly, we heard a glass shatter. Jack stood there, his face purple with fury. “ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!” he roared.
It was a tone I’d never heard from him before, so full of anger that it silenced his kids instantly.
“I’ve given you everything, supported you financially, and this is how you repay me? Disrespecting my wife? And on our honeymoon, no less,” Jack fumed.
They started making excuses, but Jack cut them off. “Enough! I’m done with your entitled attitude.
You think you can come here and make demands? Did you really think I was clueless about how you treated my wife? I turned a blind eye, hoping you’d change. But this stops right now.”