Liver cancer often has no early symptoms. But spotting subtle signs can lead to early detection and better treatment results. Here are five warning signs women should look out for:
- Unexplained Weight Loss: Losing weight without effort may suggest liver cancer. The disease messes with metabolism and causes loss of appetite.
- Persistent Fatigue: Fatigue that doesn’t get better with rest can mean your liver isn’t working right. The body has to work harder, sapping your energy.
- Upper Abdominal Pain or Swelling: Pain or swelling in the upper right abdomen, often shrugged off as indigestion or stress, could be from liver tumors pressing on nearby organs.
- Yellowing of Skin or Eyes (Jaundice): Jaundice, a yellowish color in the skin and eyes, clearly shows your liver isn’t processing bilirubin correctly.
- Nausea or Loss of Appetite: Feeling nauseous or losing your appetite can be signs of liver cancer. This can cause poor nutrient intake and weight loss.
When to See a Doctor: These symptoms can be due to other issues. But if they keep up or happen together, it’s vital to see a doctor. Early detection greatly boosts the odds of successful treatment.
Conclusion: Knowing these signs helps with early liver cancer detection. Trust your gut and get medical advice if something seems wrong—your health matters.