Home is where we regain positive energy. There are certain things to consider as they can affect our mental state. For example:
- Paintings with negative depictions: These are believed to cause memory problems, neuroses, anxiety, and impede spiritual growth.
- Earth – colored objects, plaster figures, statues, glass walls and floors, unwanted gifts, old and worn – out furniture.
- The knife: Don’t leave it on the table overnight.
- Tight or worn – out shoes: Get rid of them.
Some beneficial objects include:
- Crystals: They regulate energies.
- Ficus: This plant accumulates negative energy at home, balances, brings harmony, peace, and relieves stress.
- Paintings: Paintings of old people symbolize the house’s longevity. A phoenix – themed painting means rebirth and a peaceful life journey. A waterfall – painted one helps with career aspirations. A rainbow – painted one represents a beautiful life.
- A round glass bowl with money in it.