How many boxes are there on the truck

If you’ve already attempted to answer the question, take a moment to reflect on whether you might have fallen into one of these common pitfalls. Now, let’s walk through the proper way to solve this puzzle, step by step.

To solve this puzzle accurately, we need to break it down and analyze each and every detail in a systematic manner. Follow these steps closely:

  • Picture a typical truck that’s hauling a load of boxes. What exactly do you see?
    • A stack of boxes that are clearly visible.
    • There could be some boxes hidden behind the ones that are in plain sight.
    • Smaller boxes might be nestled inside larger boxes (yes, that’s a possibility!).
    • The truck itself, which, in a sense, has a box-like shape and could potentially be counted as an extra box.

Begin by counting all the boxes that are immediately visible in the image or as described. Many people stop right here and assume they’ve got the correct answer.

A common gimmick in these puzzles is that some boxes are obscured from view. You might only be able to see the front layer of boxes, but there could very well be more boxes stacked up behind them.

Here’s the ultimate trick! Sometimes, there are smaller boxes contained within larger boxes. If the question asks for the total number of boxes, you absolutely must include these inner boxes in your count.

Technically speaking, the truck itself has a ‘box’ shape. In some puzzles, it’s counted as part of the answer!

After carefully taking all the details into account, we arrive at the correct total: 51 boxes.






Did you get it right? If not, there’s no need to fret! The most crucial thing is to grasp the logic behind the solution.

If you did get the answer right, congratulations! If not, don’t let it get you down. Puzzles like these are fantastic exercises for honing our logical thinking and enhancing our attention to detail.

Now, I’m eager to hear from you:

  • Did you manage to get the answer right on your very first attempt?
  • Which step made you reconsider your approach?
  • Do you get a kick out of solving puzzles like this one?

Leave your thoughts in the comments section below! Also, if you enjoyed this challenge, share it with your friends and see if they can figure out the correct answer.

Looking for more entertaining riddles and mind-bending brain teasers? Stay tuned for more posts that will put your mind to the test and boost your problem-solving prowess!