A customer was having a meal in a restaurant.

A customer was having a meal in a restaurant.

Halfway through, he found a fly in his dish.

He called the waiter and said, “Why is there a fly in this dish?”

The waiter said calmly, “Sir, today it’s a special offer. More quantity, same price.”




Q: Why don’t mermaids like sharing?
A: Because they’re sea’s daughters (sounds like “selfish daughters”).



At the company’s general meeting, the boss announced, “To improve efficiency, we’re going to lay off one – third of the staff.” The employees were in an uproar. At this time, an employee in the corner whispered, “Great, I finally don’t have to pretend to work overtime anymore.”.




The son said to his father, “Dad, I want a new bike.” The father said, “Christmas is coming. You can ask Santa Claus for it.” The son muttered, “But Santa Claus promised to give me a laptop last year, and I still haven’t got it.”