I’ve Never Gotten Rid of Rats and Mice Faster! They Eat This Like C.r.a.z.y!

If you’re tired of dealing with rats and mice, this easy homemade bait will solve the problem fast! You don’t need harsh chemicals or pricey traps. Just make a simple DIY mix that rodents can’t say no to, but it’ll do them in after they eat it.

Why This Trick Works So Well

  • Super Attractive to Rodents: The ingredients draw them in right away.
  • Fast and Strong: It starts working within hours or a few days.
  • Safe for Your Home: There are no toxic fumes or harmful chemicals.
  • Cost – Effective and Natural: Made from common things in your home.

The Best DIY Rat & Mouse Killer

  • Ingredients:
    • 1 cup flour (or cornmeal)
    • 1 cup sugar or powdered chocolate (to tempt them)
    • ½ cup baking soda (the key ingredient!)
  • Instructions:
    1. Mix the flour, sugar, and baking soda in a bowl.
    2. Put small amounts in shallow dishes or lids around places where you’ve seen rats or mice.
    3. Place the dishes near walls, corners, under sinks, or near places where they might get in.
  • How It Works:
    • Rats and mice are attracted to the mix because of the flour and sugar.
    • The baking soda reacts with their stomach acid and makes gas.
    • Since rodents can’t get rid of the gas, it builds up inside them and kills them naturally.


This easy trick will get rid of rats and mice in just a few days, and they won’t come back! Give it a try and see how fast it works!