Doctor explains what it means if you always need to poop straight after eating

A doctor has shared what it means when you rush to the toilet to poop right after eating.

A TikTok doctor said if you find yourself doing this every time you eat, “you’re not alone.”

What Does It Mean?

The TikTok doctor explained that it’s not because the food is quickly moving through your digestive tract. Instead, he said, “When you eat and feel the need to use the restroom right after, it’s called the gastrocolic reflex.”

What the Gastrocolic Reflex Is

VeryWell Health states: “The gastrocolic reflex is a normal body reflex. It makes your lower digestive tract move after you eat. It’s not a disease. It helps your body make space in the digestive tract for more food.”

Dr Salhab further explained, “When you eat, your stomach stretches. This sends signals to your brain, and then the brain sends signals to your colon.” He continued, “Your colon starts to contract to make room for the food. That’s why you feel the urge to use the restroom right after eating. The stuff that comes out is old digested food and water that was in your colon.”

Heightened Reflex

People with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) may have a more sensitive gastrocolic reflex. The Cleveland Clinic says IBS causes stomach discomfort, pain, and common symptoms like constipation, diarrhea, gas, and bloating. Dr Salhab added, “Some people feel really bad stomach pain, cramping, or even get diarrhea after eating because the colon contractions can be very strong.”


Dr Salhab suggested avoiding “carbonated drinks, alcohol, some citrus foods, sometimes dairy, and fried or fatty foods” to ease symptoms. In short, avoid the really tasty stuff.