Having Striped Nails Could Mean That Your Body Is…

If you see dents, see a dermatologist.

Melanoma: Hidden Danger

Nail changes can mean deadly melanoma, a bad skin cancer.

A dark vertical line can be an early sign. Not all dark lines are cancer, but see a dermatologist.

Nail melanoma is rare but spreads fast if not treated. Early find and fix are key.

If you see strange discoloration or dark lines that change, don’t ignore. Your watchfulness can save your health.

Terry’s Nails: Liver Disease Hint

Terry’s nails happen when most of the nail bed is white and only a tip is red or pink.

They can be from aging, but often mean liver disease, diabetes, or heart disease.

Liver cases often have jaundice, tiredness, and loss of appetite.

If you see this on your nails, see a doctor to find the cause and fix it.