Kid Rock Refuses to Apologize for Drunken Rant Against Oprah Winfrey and Joy Behar

A Controversial Past
For Kid Rock fans, his no-apology stance is no shock. He’s known for speaking out, even if it causes trouble.

From backing Trump to slamming political correctness, he’s a voice for those left out. His attitude and “regular guy” image have fans, but also critics.

In 2018, he ranted against Joy Behar on Fox & Friends. It got him kicked out of a Nashville parade, but he still didn’t say sorry.

Public Reaction
Opinions are split. Supporters like his guts. They see him as real compared to other celebs.

“Respect for not apologizing. He’s genuine,” a fan said on social media.

Critics call him immature and offensive. They say being real doesn’t mean being rude, especially to Oprah, who’s fought for change.

“Free speech is fine, but being crude and drunk to put others down is wrong,” a critic said.