One month before a heart att.ack, your body will send you of these 6 signs. Pay attention to the 6th 

In recent years, heart attacks have become common globally and are the leading cause of death. They result from stressful lives and bad diets.

Protect your heart health by bettering your lifestyle: eat healthier and reduce stress. Also, know heart failure symptoms that often show a month before an attack:

Shortness of breath: If lungs lack oxygen, the heart can’t get the needed blood. Breathe problems? See a doctor.

Cold and flu symptoms: Many get these before a heart attack.

Chest pressure: A sign an attack may be near. Chest pain? Get checked.

Weakness: Tight arteries block blood flow. Muscles lack what they need, risking heart failure. Constant fatigue? See a doctor.

Cold sweats and dizziness: Poor circulation affects brain blood flow.

Drowsiness: Still tired after sleep? It could be a heart blood flow issue.

Preventing heart attacks is key. Spotting and treating these symptoms early cuts the risk.