Look what the sign said, people can’t believe it…

In 2017, a Wisconsin Dairy Queen got noticed online for a front window sign, making waves.

Some words like “Merry Christmas” can be a fuss, even if they seem okay to some.

In a world of different beliefs, a simple greeting can seem unfriendly to others.

That’s how a Dairy Queen in Wisconsin made news with a sign, starting a big debate.

For years, a Kewaskum, Wisconsin, Dairy Queen had a “politically incorrect” sign. Locals knew it, but in 2017, an out-of-town customer saw it and it went viral.

The owner, Kevin Scheunemann, put it up and backs it.

“I thought it was right to show the owner and staff’s views, supporting God and country,” Scheunemann said to WeAreGreenBay.com.

So, what was on the sign?