The Simian Line: What it means if you have one on your palm

Over the years, palm reading has split people. Some are quick to trust what a palmist says about their life and future after looking at their palm. Others, understandably, are more doubtful.

Whether you like it or not, there are interesting bits. You might not find out if you’ll be rich and famous, but there’s still something to learn.

If you know about palm reading, you know the three main lines on palms: heart, head, and life lines.

But have you heard of the fourth line that only a few have? It was once called the “simian line”, where the head and heart lines meet. Palmists think it’s important.

Also called a single transverse palmar crease, the simian line is in just 1.5% of people. Men are twice as likely to have it, and it often runs in families.