What It Means If You Always Need to Poop Straight After Eating

Dr. Salhab explains that when you eat, your stomach stretches and sends signals to your brain. Then your brain tells your colon to contract to make space for the incoming food. The poop and water that come out of your colon after eating are from food that was digested before, not the meal you just ate.

For some people, especially those with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), the gastrocolic reflex can be really intense. IBS affects the GI tract and can bring on symptoms like belly pain, diarrhea, gas, bloating, and constipation.

Dr. Salhab points out that for folks with IBS, the colon’s contractions can be extra strong and might cause a lot of discomfort or even diarrhea right after eating. This over-sensitive gastrocolic reflex is one of the things that make IBS tough to deal with.