Given my own experience with my mother, there comes a point when you just can’t believe it’s happening, but eventually you see that the person can’t hold on much longer as the body starts to fail from within.
This young boy didn’t have much strength left, as he was in great pain.
“You’re only allowed to cry for twenty minutes,” he told his parents. He also asked that everyone wear superhuman outfits to his funeral.
“By 11:45 am on Christmas Eve, we were by his bedside. We knew it wouldn’t be long. We told him, ‘It’s time to go, Bailey. Stop.’ The moment we said ‘stop’, he took his last breath, and just one tear rolled down his cheek. It was peaceful,” said Lee.
Bailey spent his last minutes holding Millie, the reason he’d held on for so long. Hundreds of people showed up on January 6th to pay their last respects to Bailey Cooper.