Most outbreaks spread person-to-person, like sharing food or utensils. It can also spread via food, water, or dirty surfaces.
Illness starts fast, 12 – 48 hours after exposure. Most get better in 1 – 3 days.
But with 19 – 21 million cases yearly, it causes 900 deaths and 109,000 hospitalizations, mostly in those 65 and up. It also leads to 465,000 ER visits, mostly kids.
All ages can get it, but kids, seniors, and those with weak immune systems are most at risk, mainly from dehydration.
There’s no treatment. Drink water, skip coffee, tea, and alcohol.
If dehydrated, seek help. Signs include less pee, dry mouth, dizziness. Kids may be sleepy or fussy with few tears.
Wash hands often and well with soap and warm water for 20 seconds before meals. Clean surfaces with disinfectants too.