Bug bites are no fun, no matter what bug is behind them. But for those with allergies, knowing how to tell different bug bites apart could be a life-or-death matter. Print this list of 10 common bug bites to be ready for risky situations.
Mosquito bites vary. They can be small circles or bigger, stretched blobs, depending on how long the mosquito fed. And boy, are they itchy! Scratching just makes it worse.

Flea bites are a cinch to spot. Fleas usually chomp multiple times in one spot. The bites are small, a bit hard, red, and super itchy.
Head lice bites look a lot like flea bites. The giveaway? They’re mostly on the head, back of the neck, and behind the ears.

Bedbug bites resemble mosquito bites, but they’re redder, itchier, and often in a zig-zag. If you suspect bedbugs, call an exterminator pronto. It’s the only way to kick these pests out.