“NO!” the others yelled, alarmed. They told him to back off, warning that the snake could get mean if it felt threatened. In its coiled-up state, it might lash out if disturbed. The last thing they needed was an injured worker — or worse.
Realizing the risk, the crew huddled to make another plan. After a tense moment, they came up with a different solution: call local wildlife experts to move the snake safely. They knew handling it themselves could make things worse, and pros could relocate it without anyone getting hurt. It was a smart move, one that could get them back to work without a dangerous face-off.
The workers quickly called the nearest vet, hoping for advice on the anaconda in their way. When the call ended, the guy who talked to the vet was pale.
The vet said something startling: The giant snake might be pregnant and about to lay eggs right there, on the newly cleared road. That explained its slow moves and staying put. The news made things way more complicated, and everyone knew they were in for something bigger than they thought.