While there are risks with fans, sleeping in a cooler place is good for your health. Science says keeping the room temperature lower can help with insomnia, weight management, and more.
How to Keep a Cool Sleeping Environment
Insomnia can be caused by lots of things, and having trouble controlling body temperature is a big one. A cooler room helps your body temperature stay right, so you can fall asleep faster and deeper. Lower temps tell your body to relax and go to sleep, while high temps keep you awake.
Research shows that sleeping in a room around 66 degrees Fahrenheit can boost metabolism and improve insulin resistance, cutting the risk of diabetes and helping with weight loss. Cooler rooms can increase brown fat, which burns calories and helps metabolism, so a cool room is good for more than just a good night’s sleep.
A room between 60 and 67 degrees Fahrenheit is perfect for a restful sleep.