6 Health Benefits of Sleeping In a Cold Room and How to Make it Cooler- And Why You May Not Want to Use a Fan

Letting your feet stick out from under the covers helps control your body temperature and get rid of extra heat. This small change can make a big difference in how comfy you are at night.

Using breathable cotton bedding instead of synthetic stuff like polyester helps keep you cool. Organic mattresses and pillows can also make your sleeping environment more comfy and cool.

Layering your bedding means you can add or take away blankets during the night to get the right temperature. You don’t have to rely just on a fan to stay comfy.

A room temperature between 60 and 67 degrees Fahrenheit is great for a good night’s sleep. By changing your sleeping environment, you can get benefits like less insomnia, better weight management, and better overall health. Whether you use a fan, adjust a thermostat, or do both, cooler temps can really improve your sleep quality.