Blood in the urine (hematuria) is serious. If you see it, get medical help right away. It could point to a bad underlying condition that needs quick treatment.
Foamy Urine: Protein Leakage Sign
Too many bubbles in the urine — especially if you have to flush a few times to get rid of them — can mean protein in the urine (proteinuria). It’s an early sign that the kidneys’ filters are damaged and letting protein through.
If you always see foamy urine, get a medical check to look for kidney damage. Early action can manage the condition and stop further kidney function drop.
High Blood Pressure: A Silent Threat to Kidneys
Your kidneys are crucial for controlling blood pressure by handling body fluids and making hormones. When kidneys are damaged, they can’t keep a healthy balance and blood pressure goes up. And high blood pressure can hurt the kidneys more, creating a cycle.