Read now to avoid these foods

  • Fatty Eats
    Going heavy on high-fat foods can open the door to a whole host of health woes. One of the major downsides is that it can throw a wrench in your body’s calcium absorption process and even hasten calcium loss. Over time, this can set the stage for osteoporosis and other problems that can undermine your bone health.
  • Soda Pop
    Soft drinks might seem like a refreshing way to quench your thirst, but don’t be fooled. They come with a slew of potential health hazards. Downing large quantities of carbonated soft drinks has been linked to a dip in bone density and a higher risk of fractures.
  • Folic Acid-Rich Foods
    Foods packing a punch of folic acid can also play a role in how your body handles calcium. You see, folic acid has a tendency to team up with calcium inside your body, forming insoluble deposits or solid calcium salts. And that means your body has a tougher time absorbing the calcium it needs. Long story short, over time, this can land you in a calcium-deficient state.