Fox Hosts Critique Colleagues And Biden On Alleged Cover-Ups And Decisions

During a segment on Saturday, Doocy said, “There’s a huge story that’s closely tied to what goes on in the White House press briefing room. Yesterday, not a single question was asked about this major Wall Street Journal piece that drew on 50 sources and could represent the most significant cover-up in Washington since Watergate.”

He went on to explain, “When printed, the story spanned 18 pages. But for this to have happened, White House staffers, who aren’t elected, knew during the last presidential campaign and transition that President Biden’s cognitive abilities might have been slipping, yet they chose to keep it from the American people.”

He added, “The impact on decision-making is still up in the air, but this is a massive story, and yet there seems to be a lack of investigation. Our colleague, Jacqui Heinrich, was in the briefing room but was passed over during questioning. And sources say these points were part of her planned questions.”