Now that we’ve zeroed in on the key player – the dotted lines – we can make a well-informed decision. Based on this crucial indicator, here’s the lowdown:
Car B, the red one, has the upper hand. Since Car A, the white one, is sitting behind the dotted lines, it has no choice but to yield to Car B, which doesn’t have any of those pesky yield markings.
These two cars definitely can’t make their turns at the same time. The risk of a collision is just too high if they both try to muscle their way through simultaneously.
So, the right of way goes to Car B. Car A has to sit tight and wait until Car B has safely completed its turn before it can even think about moving forward.
The decision about who goes first in this scenario isn’t just based on gut instinct – it’s all about having a firm grasp of the road rules. When there are no traffic signs to fall back on, we turn to markings like the dotted lines to steer our decisions.