In the 4.0 era, bank card payments are increasingly popular. Many people accidentally have their cards swallowed by ATMs while withdrawing cash. To avoid waiting around, take these steps right away to get your card back.
Reasons for Card Swallowing during Withdrawal
- Your ATM card is temporarily blocked and blacklisted.
- There are various machine malfunctions or erratic transmissions.
- You enter the wrong PIN code more than three times during a transaction.
- You forget to take out the card within 15 – 30 seconds after the transaction.
- The deadline for re – issuing the ATM card has passed.
How to Handle a Swallowed ATM Card
- Open the MoMo e – wallet and tap the “All services” icon.
- Select “Deposit/Withdrawal Point”.
- In the “Withdrawal” section, choose the withdrawal point near you.
- Enter the amount and the phone number of the Deposit/Withdrawal Point, then select “Withdraw”.
- Go to the store you chose, show your ID card to the store staff, and receive your cash. And you’re set.