If you want a slim body, following the right exercise routine is essential. Even if big muscles aren’t your goal, achieving a toned look means activating all muscle fibers in the areas you want to improve. Also, burning fat and doing full – body exercises are crucial for a slimmer figure. With a healthy diet and lifestyle for fat loss, slimming down in 30 days or less is possible. Here are our top nine exercises for a slimmer body.
For repetition – based exercises, do 10 reps with a moderate – to – heavy weight that makes you reach muscle failure around 10 reps. For time – based ones, hold for 30 – 60 seconds. Do three sets of each exercise, with 60 – 90 seconds of rest between sets. Repeat the workout 1 – 2 times a week. You can also split it into smaller workouts throughout the week.
Read on to learn the best 30 – day exercises for a slimmer body. Next, don’t miss “5 Exercises Women Should Do Every Day to Stay Fit.”
Planks are great for strengthening your core and overall stability. They tone your abs and improve posture. Starting your workout with planks readies your core for squats and deadlifts.
To do a plank, get into a modified push – up position with elbows bent, forearms on the ground. Align elbows under shoulders and keep your body in a straight line. Engage your core and glutes and hold for the target time, breathing throughout.
Lunges target your lower body, boost balance and coordination, and are great for any workout. They strengthen your quads, hamstrings, glutes, and core, and improve mobility.
Stand with feet hip – width apart, hands on hips or holding dumbbells. Step forward with your right foot, heel first, bend both knees to lower your body. Slightly rotate your left foot inward as you lower your left knee. Push through your right heel to return to the start, then switch legs. Repeat for the target reps.