Which car will get the fuel first

Each car is connected to the pump by pipes, but not all pipes are clear. Let’s check each car:

  • Car 5: The pipe to Car 5 is blocked by a horizontal barrier, so it can’t get fuel.
  • Car 6: Its path seems okay at first, but it’s blocked by a vertical barrier.
  • Car 3: The pipe to Car 3 is blocked by a horizontal section.
  • Car 4: The path to Car 4 is wide open, with no barriers. So, Car 4 will be the first to fill.

Before finalizing, it’s smart to double – check the diagram. In this case, all other paths are clearly blocked, confirming Car 4 as the answer.

The car that fills up first is Car 4. Its pipe is the only one allowing fuel to flow directly from the pump without any obstacles.