How To Look Younger At 60…15 tips to look 10 years younger that may surprise you!

Aging is inevitable, but that doesn’t mean you can’t age gracefully. As a 60 – year – old woman, I look and feel better than ever. I’m confident and love my appearance.

I believe looking older than you are isn’t desirable, and over the past decade, I’ve found ways to slow the aging process. Here are some anti – aging tips to help you look younger:

  1. Frame Your Face
    Well – trimmed and shaped eyebrows can make you look younger. They frame your face and draw attention to your eyes.
  2. Cut Down on Sugar
    Sugar is inflammatory. Try to cut it out or at least reduce intake. If cutting it out is hard, use monk fruit sweetener or eat sweet fruits instead.
  3. Get Enough Sleep
    Make sleep a priority. It’s crucial for slowing aging. Start going to bed 15 minutes earlier each week and reduce screen time before bed to help your body produce melatonin.
  4. Avoid Harsh Chemicals
    Pesticides, industrial solvents, and even some household cleaners have harsh chemicals. Switch to natural – based products in all aspects of life, from gardening to skincare.
  5. Eat More Grapes
    Grapes contain sorbitol, a humectant that helps skin absorb and retain moisture. Eating grapes can be a natural anti – aging treatment.
  6. Care for Your Face
    Be meticulous about your skincare routine. Use retinol moisturizer, a good neck cream, and natural sunscreen.
  7. Switch Facial Products
    Dump harsh soaps and alcohol – based toners. Use gentle cleansers and moisturize morning and night.
  8. Care for Your Hair
    As you age, hair thins. Choose styles and products that add volume. Deep – condition regularly. There are great haircut and color options for women over 60.
  9. Smile Often & Care for Your Teeth
    Smiling makes you look youthful. Take care of your teeth. If you’re not confident in your smile, start with teeth – whitening.
  10. Take Care of Your Hands
    The backs of your hands show signs of aging. Use hand cream, exfoliate with lemon and salt, and apply sunscreen when outdoors.
  11. Load Up on Vitamin K & Lycopene
    Vitamin K in green veggies helps with bruising and stretch marks. Lycopene in tomatoes offers antioxidant protection.
  12. Eat Oily Fish
    Oily fish like wild Alaskan salmon, rich in DMAE, can boost muscle tone. Eating it twice a week is beneficial.
  13. Exercise 4+ Times a Week
    Exercise at least four days a week. Combine cardio, resistance, stretching, and balance exercises. Weight training is great for bone health.
  14. Play with Makeup
    Use makeup to highlight your eyes. Avoid glittery eyeshadows. There are also makeup tips for choosing foundation and getting a glowy look.
  15. Dressing Your Truth
    My Dressing Your Truth system helps you figure out your energy type. Dressing according to it makes you radiate youthful energy from within.

Sara, a woman who used this system, said it made her feel different and she’s grateful for the change. Figure out your energy type, and you’ll look happier, more confident, and younger.