Doctor Cautions Against Everyday Bathroom Habit That Might Harm Your Health

The Mayo Clinic says hemorrhoids are “swollen veins in the anus and lower rectum.” They can be internal (inside the rectum) or external (under the skin around the anus). The clinic notes that long – term sitting and scrolling on the toilet is a common cause. “Veins around the anus stretch under pressure and may bulge.” “Hemorrhoids can develop from long – term sitting on the toilet.”

But sitting isn’t the only cause. They can also come from straining during bowel movements, obesity, chronic diarrhea or constipation, a low – fiber diet, lifting heavy things, or anal intercourse.

Long – term toilet sitting can cause blood pooling, potentially making an external hemorrhoid form a clot (thrombus). A thrombosed hemorrhoid can cause intense pain, swelling, and inflammation. In severe cases, it can lead to a strangulated hemorrhoid, which is extremely painful.

In response to Dr. Joe’s video, viewers shared reactions. Some humorously hinted they were watching from the toilet. One person said, “I can’t do S**T in peace.” Another added, “You’re not gonna believe how I’m watching this rn.” Someone else joked, “How does the blood know I’m on the toilet tho.” Others asked why sitting on a toilet is different from sitting on a chair. Well, unless your chair has a hole in the middle and affects your lower body the same way, you’ve got your answer.