When the human body is hungry, it eats itself, it does a cleansing process, removing all sick cells, cancer, aging cells and alzheimer’s.

The human body is an incredibly complex and amazing creation of nature, boasting mechanisms that sometimes seem straight out of a science – fiction story. One of the most astonishing processes takes place when the body experiences hunger. Hunger isn’t just an annoying feeling; it actually triggers a profound cleansing system within the body that targets and eliminates diseased, aging, and even cancerous cells. This biological reset is like a key to better health and a longer lifespan.

When you refrain from eating, your body doesn’t just sit idle in an energy – saving state. Instead, it springs into action in ways that can truly transform your well – being. Hunger sets off a series of reactions. It starts with the body conserving energy and ultimately leads to a process known as autophagy.

Autophagy, which comes from Greek words meaning “self – eating,” is like your body’s very own internal cleaning crew. It can identify and remove damaged cells, misfolded proteins, and other cellular waste. These are then recycled to create new, healthier cells. This process is essential for maintaining overall health and warding off diseases.

During fasting periods, your body goes through several significant changes:

Energy Shift to Stored Fat
Hunger forces the body to change its energy source. Once the body’s glycogen stores are used up, it begins to break down fat. This metabolic shift doesn’t just help with weight loss. It also produces ketones, a powerful energy source that is beneficial for both the brain and the body.

Activation of Autophagy
Autophagy starts to kick in after about 12 – 16 hours of fasting. It targets weak or malfunctioning cells for removal. These are then replaced by strong, new cells, which improves cellular efficiency and resilience.

Reduction of Inflammation
Chronic inflammation is at the root of many diseases. Fasting can lower inflammatory markers in the body and clear out cells that contribute to inflammation. This paves the way for better overall health.