An old couple had been married for 50years.

Every morning (without fail) the man produced a massive fartwhen he got out of bed and then laughed like a madman.
Also every morning, his wife would admonish him: “One ofthese days you’re going to fart your guts out.”

It’s Thanksgiving morning
The old man is sleeping in and the old lady is in the initialsteps of preparing the turkey. While she has a handful ofturkey innards, she gets an idea.

She tiptoes up the stairs and into the bedroom. She carefullypulls back the waistband of her husband’s jockey shorts andloads him up with warm turkey guts.
An hour later the woman hears him stirring
She hears his feet hit the floor and then the normal fart-laughsequence.
The laugh stops abruptly and is followed by a scream, andthen 10 minutes of utter silence.
The man eventually comes down the stairs and says to hiswife:“Honey, I owe you an apology. For years, you’ve beentelling me that I was going to fart my guts out. Today it finallyhappened, but by the grace of God and these 2 fingers (raisessoiled 1st and 2nd digit)I got ’em all back in and I’m gonna beOK.”