Peter Meyer, the beloved Hollywood manager who represented stars like Tom Hanks and Kevin Costner, has passed away at 68 after a courageous five-year battle with sarcoma. His sister confirmed his peaceful death, surrounded by family. The entertainment world, along with his clients and friends, is mourning the loss of a true industry icon.
Meyer, who spent over a decade at William Morris, founded Meyer Management in 1989, representing a wide range of talent. A memorial service to celebrate his legacy will be held on June 13, 2023, at St. Monica’s Catholic Church in Santa Monica.
In related news, Kevin Costner, currently dealing with his divorce from Christine Baumgartner, has made a huge financial commitment to his ambitious Western project, Horizon. Costner mortgaged a 10-acre Santa Barbara property to contribute up to $50 million toward the film’s $100 million budget. Despite the financial risks, he’s fully invested in the project, calling it his “final personal investment in a movie.”