Which Vessel will fill up first?
We all love riddles and training our brains, and it’s a good choice. Are you ready to wake up and face this puzzle?
It’s quite simple, but at the same time, it can get tricky. It is important to concentrate and coordinate your brain and eyes Now we’ll see if you can do it, and to make it fair, you only have 10 seconds.
Which Vessel will fill up first in the picture?
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Water starts flowing from container 9.
From 9, water can go either left to 8 or right to 7.
eft path (towards 8):
The pipe leading to vessels 1 and 2 is blocked.
So,water cannot go to vessels 1 or 2.
Right path (towards 7):
The water flows to vessel 7, where it has the option to go left to vessel 3, straight to 6, or right to bucket 5.
The outlet from vessel 6 to bucket 4 is blocked, so the water cannot flow there.
The outlet from vessel 7 to bucket 5 is blocked, so the water cannot flow there.
The water flows directly from vessel 7 into the bucket 3.
So Vessel 3 fills up first.