Why You Should Never Chase Away This Creature If You Find One Inside Your House

Why You Shouldn’t Drive Away House Geckos and Lizards

Geckos might look a bit strange, but they’re actually more helpful than harmful. Here are five good reasons to let them stay around:

  1. Geckos Control Dangerous Insects
    Geckos eat pests such as cockroaches, moths, flies, spiders, termites, and wasps. Many of these bugs can be a real nuisance. Instead of using harsh chemicals, let geckos do their thing to keep your home bug – free.
  2. Geckos Mean a Healthy Garden
    If geckos are in your garden, it’s a sign that your garden is in good ecological shape. They avoid places with toxic chemicals. So, their presence shows your garden is free from harmful pesticides.
  3. Geckos Don’t Eat Your Plants
    Unlike some birds that might munch on your garden fruits or veggies, geckos only eat insects. They help with pest control without harming your crops.
  4. They’re Harmless to Humans
    Geckos are not a threat to humans. They’re not venomous. Even if they bite when threatened, it’s not dangerous. In fact, they help by getting rid of pests in your space.
  5. Avoiding Salmonella from Geckos is Easy
    Geckos can carry salmonella, but it’s mainly spread through their feces, not bites. Just wash your hands and any surfaces they’ve touched, and don’t kiss them or have other direct contact.

All in all, geckos are useful. They offer natural pest control and are safe for humans as long as you practice good hygiene.