An old woman, Grandma Edna, went to the doctor for her annual checkup.
The doctor, trying to make polite conversation, asked, “Mrs. Edna, how are you feeling these days?”
“Oh, I’m feeling just fine, doctor,” she said. “But I do have one little problem… I seem to be passing gas quite a bit. It’s nothing too bad — they’re silent, and they don’t smell at all. In fact, I’ve probably passed gas about 10 times just sitting here talking to you… but you’d never know because they’re completely harmless.”
The doctor smiled, nodded, and scribbled something on his notepad.
“Alright, Mrs. Edna, I’m going to give you these pills. Take them twice a day and come back in a week.”
A week later, Edna walked into the office, arms crossed and looking furious.
“Doctor! I don’t know what those pills did, but now my gas smells terrible!”
The doctor looked up, grinning. “Great! Now that we’ve fixed your sense of smell, let’s work on your hearing.”
Hope this joke will make you smile! Have a nice day!!