If you see a donkey in the picture, then your vision is fine

If you can spot the connection to a donkey in this story, your “mental vision” is sharp.

In a big city in our country, a married couple, John and Sarah, lived. John worked hard to support his family but was quite forgetful. He often forgot to buy groceries on his way home from work or missed important phone calls. Sarah, on the other hand, was a perfectionist and disliked any mistakes.

One day, at home, Sarah asked John to pick up some groceries on his way back from work. As always, forgetful John came home empty – handed. Sarah got really angry and called him a “jackass” for forgetting.

Good – natured John decided to play along. He put on a pair of fake donkey ears and started making donkey braying sounds. Sarah couldn’t help but laugh, and the tension in the room quickly went away.

After that, whenever John forgot something, Sarah would jokingly call him a “donkey”, and John would wear the donkey ears and bray.

At a family gathering one day, John forgot the dessert he promised to bring. Sarah, as usual, called him a donkey. This time, John went all out. He put on a full – fledged donkey costume complete with a tail and hooves and brayed loudly.

The people there were shocked at first, but soon they were laughing at John in the donkey costume. Sarah, seeing everyone laugh, joined in and started braying like a donkey too.

Since then, John and Sarah’s family and friends started calling John “Donkey John”, and it became a favorite joke among them.

So, where’s the “donkey” in this whole story?






