A wealthy old man was lying on his d.eathbed

A wealthy old man was lying on his d.eathbed when it occurred to him that he had never made a will.

So, he called his lawyer to help him draft one.

The next day, the lawyer arrived, and the old man said, “I want 25% of my money to go to charity. After all, I’ve taken so much; I should give something back.”

“How generous of you,” the lawyer replied. “I’ll make sure that happens right away.”

“I also want 25% to go to my son. He’s been waiting for the day he could get his hands on my money,” the old man added.

“Okay, I’ll make sure he gets 25%,” the lawyer responded.

“And the rest should go to my wife, on the condition that she remarries after I die,” the old man said.

A bit puzzled, the lawyer asked, “Okay, I’ll make sure that happens. But may I ask why you want her to remarry? It’s a rather unusual request.”

The old man grinned and said, “I want to make sure at least one man regrets my death.”